ケーキポップより気楽に作れるミニカップケーキ。バレンタインだけれど時間がなかったので、今回もカップケーキでワンちゃんを。耳は各種甘納豆で、鼻のもとや、目の斑はミニマシュマロで。 I liked the idea of mini panda cupcakes (so much easier than cake pops and still cute) . So, this time (it was Valentine's but no time to make cake pops), I made these puppy cupcakes. These ears were made of Japanese dried sweet beans (ama-natto). Also used black big sprinkles, pink crystal sprinkles and mini marshmallows.
Rilakkuma cake pops for the Japanese community center's bingo night. Even though I studied Rilakkuma image, something was strange about these cake pops. My friend who's a big fan of Rilakkuma mentioned ”They don't smile", then I realized mines are smiling slightly.
あけましておめでとうございます。2013年の初ベークはこちらのパンダカップケーキ。もともとのアイディアは友達がFBでシェアしていた何かのページなんだけれど、探してみたけれど見つからなかった。フロスティングは手作りで。 http://allrecipes.com/recipe/brown-sugar-cream-cheese-frosting/detail.aspx 元旦、おせち料理のお手伝いの合間に(ここの家では正月といえども嫁は忙しい!)ちゃかちゃかっと姪っ子と一緒に作ったのだけど、パンダのおとぼけ顔にほのぼの。 I baked these Panda Cupcakes for the New Year's family gathering. The frosting was made from scratch. http://allrecipes.com/recipe/brown-sugar-cream-cheese-frosting/detail.aspx My 9 year old niece helped me to make this while I was busy preparing for the special new year lunch & dinner.